Our latest result made it to the journal cover in Nature.
Congrats to Changhwan Lee, Emma Z. Xu, and the members of the team!
I pursue to have an immediate broad socioeconomic impact with my research.
My skills are primarily centered in spectroscopy to study emergent phenomena. Interactions of light photons present a diverse nature and great potential to exploit in sensing, communications, computation with light, optomechanics, space travel, energy harvesting, biomedicine, and more applications that we will discover along the way. These emergent interactions offer unique opportunities to investigate the intersection between quantum mechanics and biology, inevitably leading to a better integration of photonics-biological systems and a paradigm change in device engineering.
Single nanoparticle lasers
A collaboration with scientists in Sydney at UTS.
Low threshold lasing emissions from a single upconversion nanocrystal. Yunfei Shang, Jiajia Zhou, Yangjian Cai, Fan Wang, Angel Fernandez-Bravo, Chunhui Yang, Lei Jiang, & Dayong Jin. Nat. Commun. 11, 6156 (2020).
Check out an article in the November issue of the journal My Scientific.
My Scientific is an Education-oriented journal based in Malaga, Spain. Their objectives are to develop inclusive learning for diverse audiences. Visit their website for more information.
Controlled Assembly of Upconverting Nanoparticles for Low-Threshold Microlasers and Their Imaging in Scattering Media, Yawei Liu, Ayelet Teitelboim, Angel Fernandez Bravo, Kaiyuan Yao, Virginia Altoe, Shaul Aloni, Bruce Cohen, P. James Schuck, Emory Chan. Accepted in ACS Nano 2020, 14, 2, 1508-1519.